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Do I need Travel Insurance? Types and Ways to Get One!

By December 26, 2021February 25th, 2022No Comments

Picture this: You’ve packed all of your bags, and you’re ready for your flight the following day. It would be the first time you’re travelling to a new destination. You’re sitting at the airport and taking a look at the final checklist. You’ve got your passport, flight tickets, but wait… did you miss buying travel insurance? Are you all packed then?

While most people assume that travel insurance is for premium customers, we’d choose to disagree with this argument. Travel insurance is the number one thing you need before travelling.

What Is Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance is the financial security against unexpected accidents that happen on your trip. It would cover your medical bills, reimburse you if your flights get cancelled or you in cases of absolute emergencies while travelling. In simple words, it’s protection against situations that come out of nowhere and cost you dearly if you are not prepared.

Why Buy Travel Insurance?

The first and the most important reason could be the peace of mind knowing that there is someone to cover potentially running bills if you get unlucky. It means that you can take up all the adventures like skiing, diving, and kitesurfing without worrying about the financial consequences of an accident. If your bags get stolen, you haven’t precisely lost anything; you have to call someone who will help out with some emergency money.

If I’m going to Affordable Countries, Do I still need travel insurance?

Sorry, but cheaper countries do not mean affordable medical care. Did you know that Thailand is among the world’s most expensive countries to get hospitalized? In all seriousness, if you get sick in a remote part of South Asia, you may need to be airlifted to Bangkok or Singapore for proper treatment – that stuff is crazy and expensive. What’s worse? Some countries and Japan can refuse to treat you if you don’t have valid travel insurance.

Is Travel Insurance Expensive?

The price can vary depending on your age, medical history, destination, number of days you will be travelling, and what you do during your trip. Activities considered high-risk would potentially have enormous costs for medical evacuation, which would reflect on the insurance price. At Aertrip, insurance is affordable and flexible; with the proper assistance, the process of choosing insurance is made easier for you.

Things to Look For In a Travel Insurance

All travel insurances are not created equally. Make sure that you read the fine print of your policy very carefully. These are some of the many things that you need to consider before investing in travel insurance:

  • It has sufficient coverage to cover any medical expenses
  • Would cover medical evacuation and care, so if you’re injured while hiking, it will also cover the cost of getting you to a hospital
  • If necessary, the cost of transporting you back home is also covered
  • Includes adventure activities that you can take advantage of, so make sure your insurance covers these
  • Covers countries you want to visit, especially if they cover you for high-cost countries like Japan and the USA
  • Can be extended in case of change in travel plans 
  • Covers important valuables in instances of theft or in case you lose them
  • Has a twenty-four-hour emergency hotline that you can call to get help
  • You can file claims online
  • Last but not the least, check if it is reasonably priced

Are you still not convinced if buying travel insurance is worth it? That’s okay; you can take your time trying to figure out what’s the best option for you. Though it is definitely recommended to purchase it, as it works as a safety net on holidays. You don’t know what could go right or wrong as you travel, but preparing for it is the best you can do from your end.

At Aertrip, get your travel Insurance at a click of a button. Reach out to us at, and our representatives will get in touch at the earliest.

Priya Dubey

A wanderer of sorts. Always on the lookout for a new adventure. Not able to decide if I like the journey more or the destination. I share my stories so someone can find their own!

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