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Travel & Tourism

Five Trends in Tourism; Post-Pandemic Era

By October 22, 2021January 14th, 2022No Comments

After a year of progress and setbacks, we see uncertainty punctuated by brief moments of stability. With the current situation, it’s hard to speculate the future of travel. We’ve spent the past year living vicariously through aesthetic reels and thrilling vlogs. Slowly, travel enthusiasts are emerging cautiously and tentatively into the world. In this blog, we have highlighted the five trends in tourism that one can expect in the post-pandemic era.

Modern Trends in Tourism industry

Staycations for the win 

The pandemic forced the tourism industry to shift its focus from international travellers to local travellers. While this trend was emerging pre-pandemic, the virus acted as a catalyst and escalated its popularity now. The pandemic has influenced more people and segments to consider local travel as a viable option.

With the unavailability of cheap packages, mid and economy travellers found their money went further at local destinations. On the other hand, luxury travellers found a new niche in local-first luxury and small-scale boutique hotels.

Traditional staycation activities like exploring opportunities closer to home will go even more premium. We think it’s safe to say that staycations are here to stay

The new definition of “bleisure” traveller

With regular business travellers, the new normal is the switch to online meetings. Pre-pandemic, these digital nomads were predominantly young, single travellers in the tech industry, but post-pandemic, a broader range of demographics include young families and older couples. What is the role of a destination here?

It is to inspire remotely working members. Locations with good network and workplace ergonomics will gain more importance as travellers would prefer such places for more extended stays.

Seeking comfort in solo travel

Once restrictions are eased by the government, many people would expect to see friends and relatives again. But in the pandemic, travel has gained a newfound meaning due to the deprivation of new sensory experiences during the lockdown. We can expect a new level of introspection with travel trends and a rise in the number of solo travellers.

Emphasis on Contactless travel

Post the pandemic, the travel and hospitality industry have made significant efforts to boost confidence among travellers by making services as contactless as possible.

From contactless check-in at airports to ordering food and beverages at a hotel, contactless offerings have become more the norm than an exception.

It’s all about Sustainability

While staying at home taught us minimalism, a lot of millennials opened their eyes to sustainability. Travellers are actively choosing eco-friendly choices to enable sustainable travelling. These choices are closer to remote communities and nature so they not only boost these communities but are also accessible and affordable. Hence, sustainability is another trend that we hope sticks around for a longer period of time.

Sum it up

Travel has found its new normal. The industry will make its comeback eventually as countries open up their doors for Indian tourists. The key to staying safe is to get vaccinated. Also, it is crucial to know each country or state’s Covid protocols. Most travellers prefer the trends mentioned above in recent times, and Aertrip has a package for every kind. Book now.

Priya Dubey

A wanderer of sorts. Always on the lookout for a new adventure. Not able to decide if I like the journey more or the destination. I share my stories so someone can find their own!

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