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How to Prepare for Business Travel in 6 Steps

By February 25, 2022April 13th, 2022No Comments

A business trip can bring with it a myriad of emotions. Excitement to see a new place, new ambition to expand your reach and relief for a break from your regular monotonous work lifestyle. But it can also bring with it a lot of stress, especially if it’s the first time you’re travelling. What should you pack? What should you not? What if you book something wrong and get stranded and lost forever! Fear not, we at Aertrip hear your cries for help, so we present a little guide for your next business trip.

Know your Location

Having necessary information is key when you travel to a new place. Do your research beforehand to avoid any unwanted surprises during your travel. Make a note of local helplines and the location of the embassy of your country. If the country uses a different language, try picking up a few useful words. Be up to date with the news of the country you’re travelling to, the weather patterns, crime rate, political issues, and take precautions accordingly.

Apart from safety measures, however, you can also research fun activities. For example, what kind of local cuisine can you try out? Are there any monuments or sightseeing areas nearby? It’s always recommended to make the most out of your travel no matter where you go!

Know your Transport

Travel can be stressful, especially on a business trip. However, you can reduce the stress in half if you plan it out. Pack your luggage much in advance. Check your flight timings and book your ride to the airport in advance. If you aren’t receiving a pickup vehicle at your destination, research local modes of transport or ‘con’ companies to avoided scams.

It’s best to know your flight duration as well. Carry a book or a couple of downloaded movies if you have a layover at some airport for a few hours. Get a neck pillow if it’s an overnight flight. You can put aside some work for the flight as well.

Book your Hotel

A comfortable abode to come back and relax in is one of the most essential parts of a business trip. Don’t skim on research. Check out the amenities offered like free wi-fi, room service, complimentary breakfast, etc. Don’t forget to check the reviews before making your final call. You should choose your hotel as close to the work destination as possible so you don’t waste time travelling.

If you need to travel to multiple places, we recommend finding a location somewhere in between. Always check if your company has a good relationship with the hotel you’re booking as well as any discounts offered.

Pack, Pack, Pack!

Since it’s a business trip, there’s no need to go insane with the luggage. Pack light – a couple of formal outfits and some comfortable leisurewear. Don’t forget the essentials like headphones and your phone charger. It’s nice to check if the place you’re travelling to has different outlet sockets which are common for most people travelling to European countries. You can carry an adapter with you if that’s the case. Most importantly, before you leave your house and the hotel, make sure your phone and laptop are fully charged. You may not get a chance to recharge it quickly enough if you are on the move.

Make sure you have all your travel documents and ID with you as well as your work essentials. Work with files and binders to keep all your papers in check. If you are on any medications, pack a couple of extra doses just in case. Pack according to the weather of your destination. If it’s particularly chilly, consider carrying some warm jackets. If the sun is an issue, don’t forget your pair of trusty sunglasses.

Plan Out your Stay

Make a detailed schedule of your trip. Find free time between meets for leisure and exploration. You needn’t go far as well. Most hotels provide services like spas and massages that can help you unwind and be fresh and ready for your next meet.

Find nearby restaurants that serve the local cuisine to have an enriching culinary experience. If there are sightseeing areas not too far away, you can try planning a little trip and get your coworkers in on it as well.

Make a document folder

Irrespective of whether you’re travelling domestically or internationally, having the necessary documents on hand is of utmost importance. Gather your flight tickets, passport, visa, ID and your negative covid 19 test result and documentation. If there is any other location-specific required documentation make sure you have it on hand as well. Travel insurance is always recommended.

Keep your work-related documents separate as well as certain permits if required. More importantly, don’t forget your international credit card and make a note to purchase a local sim card if necessary.

There you have it, all things that you need to get to make a grand success out of your business trip. For flight, and hotel room bookings visit Aertrip.

Sara Fernandes

A writer, ideator and travel aficionado, I see writing and other artistic forms of expression as a way to leave my impressions of the world on all willing minds. I aspire to bring about awareness to topics I care about.