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How to Work Remotely While Travelling: Tips for the Best of Both Worlds

By October 21, 2024No Comments

Working remotely while travelling? It sounds like the dream. Picture this: you’re tapping away on your laptop with a stunning beach view in front of you, or maybe you’ve got a cosy café in Paris as your temporary office. But hold on—before you pack your bags and grab your passport, let’s have a real chat about how to nail this lifestyle. It’s not all sipping margaritas on a tropical island (though sometimes it is!), and if you’re not careful, you might end up juggling more stress than success.

So, let’s talk about how you can crush the remote work and travel game while still managing to actually enjoy your trips, with some handy tips and a little sprinkle of fun along the way. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the world of travelling while working remotely, or you’re already a digital nomad pro, there’s something here for you!

Get Your Setup Sorted

First thing’s first: your workspace. No matter how glamorous the backdrop, if you’re hunched over on a park bench squinting at your screen, you’re not going to feel very productive. Here’s the golden rule: create a little portable office. A laptop stand, noise-cancelling headphones, and an external mouse can make a world of difference.

Another essential in your remote work and travel tips toolkit is internet access. Sure, you might think Wi-Fi is everywhere, but spoiler alert: it’s not. A hotspot device or global SIM card is your best friend here. Trust me, no one wants to get stuck on a client call in the middle of nowhere, watching the connection icon spin away.

Manage Your Time Zones Like a Boss

If you’re on the move and working with a team or clients from back home, you’ll quickly discover the challenges of time zones. One day you’re in London, and the next, you’re catching up from Bali. Here’s the deal: set clear expectations about your availability and try to stick to a schedule. Apps like World Time Buddy can help you avoid that awkward moment when you show up an hour late (or early!) to a meeting.

Pro tip: Try to block off time each day where you can focus without distractions, and keep your mornings free for exploring your latest destination.

Stay Organised Like a Pro (Even in Paradise)

A laid-back attitude is great when you’re lounging by the pool, but it doesn’t work so well for deadlines. If you’re travelling while working remotely, you’ll need a system to keep your work (and life) in order. There are a ton of apps that can help with that, like Trello, Asana, or even just good old Google Calendar.

Set your goals for the day, week, or month and stay on top of things. The last thing you want is to scramble to meet a deadline while everyone else is out having fun. Trust me on this one—there’s nothing worse than watching your mates head off to a sunset hike while you’re stuck at your laptop in the lobby because you didn’t plan properly.

Embrace Flexibility, But Don’t Overdo It

Yes, flexibility is the magic word for remote work and travel tips—but it’s also where things can go wrong. While the freedom to work wherever and whenever sounds amazing, you can easily fall into the trap of either working too much or too little.

Set boundaries for when you work and when you don’t. It’s easy to get caught up in the “just one more hour” mentality when there’s no one to remind you that it’s 9 p.m. and you’re still staring at your screen. On the flip side, don’t let the ‘holiday’ vibe take over and find yourself struggling to catch up after days of procrastination.

Join Co-Working Spaces and Meet Fellow Travellers

Here’s a little-known secret: travelling while working remotely doesn’t have to be lonely. In fact, co-working spaces in major cities and even remote locations are booming. They offer not just a solid workspace but also a chance to meet other like-minded remote workers. This can help you build a network and pick up tips from people who’ve mastered the balance of work and travel.

It’s not just about working, either. You’ll find tons of opportunities to socialise, share travel tips, and maybe even find new friends to explore with after work.

Enjoy the Journey (You’re Doing it Right!)

At the end of the day, remember why you chose to work remotely while travelling: freedom, adventure, and the chance to see the world on your terms. It requires some planning and self-discipline, but the benefits are immense. Imagine wrapping up your workday and stepping outside to explore the cobbled streets of a new city or dip your toes into the warm waters of a tropical beach. You’re living the dream, and that’s worth a little effort, right?

So, to sum it all up, remote work and travel tips boil down to three things: being prepared, staying organised, and finding a balance that lets you enjoy both work and travel. It’s not always easy, but if you get it right, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have.

Now, go book that flight and start packing—you’ve got work to do, but a world to explore too!