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Top 10 Most Instagrammable Places in India

In this world of social media, nothing matters more than having the perfect Instagram feed. People often spend large amounts of money to find the ideal foreign location for their perfect photoshoot.

However, some absolutely stunning and beautiful places in our country often are overlooked. So to help you find your next gorgeous Instagram post, we’ve listed the top 10 most Instagrammable locations in India!

Pangong Lake

Pangong LakeWith the stunning snow-covered mountains serving as its backdrop, this clear blue lake looks gorgeous from every angle.

Known to change its colour according to the sky, this crystal clear lake serves as a mirror, allowing a unique viewing and photography experience. A snap by Pangong Lake is everything you will need to brighten up your Instagram feed.

Location: Ladakh

Valley of Flowers

Valley of FlowersEver dreamed of being surrounded by flowers everywhere you look? Valley of flowers national park was designed precisely for that. This UNESCO site houses more than 600 pieces of flora, each and every one perfect for bringing some colour to your Instagram feed.

You can also bring along a tent and camp right between a field of flowers, a perfectly picturesque scene you definitely should capture!

Location: Uttarakhand

Konark Sun Temple

Konark Sun TempleA clear monument of the beauty of ancient India, Konark Sun Temple has plenty of photographically stunning locations. It’s the best location to don some traditional clothes with local jewellery and take in this place’s entire traditional look and feel.

Location: Odisha

Rann of Kuchh

Rann of KuchhWith acres and acres of marble-white sand, this location is absolutely stunning for any and all photoshoots! The evenings are specifically known to be as the best time to visit. Not only is the heat lesser at that time, but the sun setting over the white sand with shades of pink, yellow and blue flowing into each other above, it is definitely a view to behold. It will be a great capture for your next viral post.

Location: Gujarat


JaipurThis city holds a unique beauty of its own. Every location and monument here is perfectly capturable and serves as a beautiful background. Be it the red arches of Diwan-E-Khas, the beautiful murals at Peacock Gate and Lotus Gate, or the rose painted Hawa Mahal.

Make sure you’re dressed in your best traditional attire or sundresses to make the most out of this place. Also, don’t forget to take a picture with the iconic Pink Rickshaw only found in Jaipur.

Location: Rajasthan


HampiKnown as one of the most beautiful historical places in today’s world, Hampi has a collection of ancient monuments that depict its culture and significance. However, this ancient place doesn’t shy away from modern technology.

Its current residents and caretakers have maintained every nook and cranny of this beautiful place as well as popularised it across the globe with the help of social media. So, don’t forget to tag us @aertrip, in your next gorgeous Instagram post taken at Hampi.

Location: Karnataka

Dal Lake

Dal LakeWith the crisp reflection of the mountains in the clear blue water and the many boats dotting across the lake, Dal Lake looks like a painting brought to life. It is especially lovely when the lotuses bloom in late July and August. Don’t forget to hop a ride on one of these boats to capture the best image for your feed.

Location: Kashmir


JodhpurThis blue city has everything you could want from an Instagrammable destination – historical first, temples, monuments, and everything dyed in the prettiest shade of blue! Don’t forget to visit Toorji ka Jhalar as well. This lesser-known hidden gem will be well worth your time and feed with its many cascading stairs forming the most mesmerising background anyone could ask for.

Location: Rajasthan

Golden Temple

Golden TempleAmritsar, in itself, is a beautiful destination to capture stunning shots. However, the best place in this city to visit to capture your photogenic self is the Golden Temple. The Temple looks incredibly stunning during the festive season. The collective lights of many Diyas and fireworks in the background form the most picturesque view you may have ever seen.

Location: Amritsar


MunnarMunnar is known for its never-ending expanse of hills dotted with tea plantations all across. And there’s no better way to describe the beauty of this place than to see it yourself.

The clear skies, lush green slopes and majestic mountains in the back all form the perfect piece of natural scenery you would want to get lost in. So don’t forget to snap that iconic shot among the tea leaves. You also have the opportunity to dress up in local attire to make your post even more aesthetic.

Location: Kerala

So the next time you plan to travel to any Instagrammable location, be it national or international, let Aertrip be of assistance! You can pick from our carefully curated Aertrip holiday packages or just let Aertrip be of assistance for flight tickets and hotel reservations.

Also, don’t forget to tag us in your travel posts @aertrip  on Instagram, or if you need a break from the gram, you can tweet at us on Twitter and even check out our LinkedIn. Have a safe and picturesque journey!

Sara Fernandes

A writer, ideator and travel aficionado, I see writing and other artistic forms of expression as a way to leave my impressions of the world on all willing minds. I aspire to bring about awareness to topics I care about.